PADUCAH — Many locals are probably enjoying the summer weather right now; But with allergy season still ongoing, pollen, ragweed and grass can make it difficult for allergy sufferers to enjoy the outdoors.

That’s why a doctor from Baptist Health Paducah said there are some natural remedies people can try to make things better.

Brother-sister duo Rachel and Elliott Straub decided to play pickleball at Noble Park in Paducah on Tuesday afternoon. They both love the outdoors.

“We always played sports in high school. We even ran across the country in this park. So allergies, it was pretty bad back then,” Rachel said.

Rachel said that over the years she has had to become a master at dealing with her allergies.

“Shower at night, just wash everything off, and then take your allergy pill and just relax. That’s always helped me not feel like doing things like that in the morning,” Rachel said.

Dr. John Cecil of Baptist Health Paducah said there are many natural remedies to relieve allergies and some asthma symptoms caused by allergens such as pollen and ragweed.

To help with congestion: “If you really want to do a good job, mix a quarter teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water. Mix it together. The first time is the worst, pour in your handful of warm salt water and sniff it, Cecil said.

To keep allergens out of the house, make sure you keep the windows closed.

“But air conditioning filters we don’t think about that much, we have to have filters that trap a lot of allergens, and so, you know, sometimes those are a little more expensive, that are a little harder to buy, but they make a difference in how much misery if you have a lot of allergies gets,” Cecil said.

A common allergy myth is that local honey also helps. Cecil said there is no evidence to support this, but if it works for someone, he’s fine with it.

Elliot said he will stick with his own natural remedy.

“I find that if I’m at work and have an allergic attack, I can put it on my sinuses like a wet cloth, like hot water. And that usually helps clear it up a bit,” said Elliot.

Cecil said if these remedies still don’t work, it’s time to see a doctor.

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