Okay, it’s a stretch and maybe someone will come up with opposing examples, but I just saw two maps of the EU Parliament election results, and it kind of played along with something I was once told:

I don’t remember who told me, it was when I was a child: in the industrial age, when the European cities grew enormously, and so did the (heavy coal fume) emissions from the industrial complexes, it was typical that richer people settled (or prosperity neighborhoods were built) in the west of the cities, because in Northern Europe the predominant wind direction is from west to east, so the western parts of the cities had cleaner air than the eastern parts.

Look at the election results (first photo Berlin, second Paris): the classic conservative parties (for the rich) are voted in the West, while the "working class" parties (left/green/right wing) are voted east.

submitted by /u/habilishn

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