Sourced from, I saw this map that NOAA had during the solar storm. It could just be a coincidence, but do you think it’s also a possibility that the electrified geographies could somehow increase the storms we’ve seen since the beginning of the month?

ROCKS AND SOIL ELECTRIFIED BY THE SUPERSTORM: On May 10 and 11, sky watchers across the United States marveled at bright displays of the Northern Lights during the largest geomagnetic storm in decades. They didn’t know that something was also happening under their feet.

Strong electrical currents flowed through rocks and soil. The highest stresses along the US East Coast and in the Midwest were as much as 10,000 times normal. A map from NOAA and the US Geological Survey shows some of the ‘hotspots’ during the early hours of May 11:

submitted by /u/eveebobevee

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