Is there a sign that immediately tells you that someone has not been raised properly?

A Redditor called spirallinggg wanted to know what other people thought are the obvious signs that someone has not been raised properly. Thousands of Reddit users had some ideas to share in the thread, “What tells you right away that someone wasn’t raised right?”


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“I remember sitting in a McDonald’s drive-thru with someone I recently had a relationship with. They grabbed a cup from their cup holder and threw it out the window. I lost all feelings for them. I told them to leave and demanded they turn around and pick up the cup again. They kept claiming McDonald’s employees would pick it up. I argued that I didn’t care and they can’t just throw cups out the window. Dumba** forgot wind existed, I guess? I’m glad I left them, litter wasn’t the main reason, but it did pull me out of my trance.”

~Shlorpic Rooster

No responsibility

“Lack of personal responsibility. they can never admit a mistake on their part. It’s always someone else’s fault.”


Nothing but apologies

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“When someone is supposed to apologize, but makes excuses instead.”


The little things

“A few very small things that tell me everything:

  • Cut the line if you clearly see people waiting in front of you.
  • Disrespectful servers or cashiers.
  • Don’t hold the door open for anyone standing directly behind you or coming towards you.
  • Casually dropping an empty fast food bag or soda cup out of the car window.
  • Leaving the table where you were eating in a food court, fast food restaurant or any restaurant is a disaster.
  • Leaving the shopping cart in a non-ideal location if there is a cart corral nearby.



“People dumping refrigerated groceries on random aisles.”

~ glockops

No means no

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“If someone disrespects the word ‘no’. If someone feels they have a right to know why someone is saying no, then they have not been raised to mind their own business.”


I am sorry but…

“If someone apologizes, and then puts a but on it. For example, my boss held a meeting with the kitchen staff where he apologized for his attitude, then added, “But you guys need to understand I’m not bullshit.” No sir, that’s not how apologies work.’

~ Gimmick Breach 1

Comparison of bad times

“If they immediately start comparing trauma, ‘oh, your dog died when he was hit by a car? Well, my dog ​​died from being ripped apart, so I feel your pain. “Like a bitch, shut up, especially when you fucking know they’re lying.

Hey, a lot of people bring up a good point: this is how a lot of neuro-divergent people connect and I think I need to clarify this in a way that makes more sense. The people I’m talking about are “my life is so much harder than yours so you should focus on me” type of people, there are a lot of people who do this in an effort to be sincere and I appreciate those people LOL. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding and I hope you all have a great day!”

~Traumatized Duckyyyyy

Cart Laziness

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“They leave their shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot.”


Dog poop

“People who don’t clean up their dog’s poop! Nobody wants to step into that literal shit, and it breeds disease! I was walking my dog, and this man looked at his BIG dog poop, then he walked away. I was so angry and muttering swear words under my breath… when I saw him walk back and pick it up. He didn’t have a bag with him and had walked to the dog station to get one. I felt like such a heel. But I’ve walked past so many piles of poop and find it so inconsiderate and messy.

~ penelopejo

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