Jewish attendees at the Hanukkah ceremony at the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC were threatened on Tuesday evening by pro-Hamas protesters who gathered outside the embassy and harassed the guests as they left.

A video posted online by the independent Israel War Room account shows a car with two people inside harassing a Jewish man as he walks away from the embassy. A man can be seen emerging from the open sunroof waving a large Palestinian flag at the man, while the female driver with a thick foreign accent shouts death threats at the man as she drives slowly to keep pace with the man with one hand on the steering wheel and the other poking at him out the window. You hear the man arguing and calling them terrorists, but keeps walking.

Pro-Hamas woman: “You are murderers! Occupiers of people’s lands! Occupiers! Occupiers! Occupiers! We will kill you all, occupiers! We will kill you all, occupiers!”

Several guests reported being harassed by the pro-Hamas protesters:

William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, “The pro-Hamas protesters shouted ‘Exterminate the Jews’ at us as we left @IsraelinUSA tonight.”

Jonathan Allen, government relations for the Anti-Defamation League: “They shouted that we were ‘Nazis like Hitler.’ They shoved a phone in my face and called me a “F*cking B*tch” in an attempt to provoke a response. As hostage families inside lit the menorah and called for the release of their families, protesters outside could be heard shouting ‘murderers’.”

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who has been the Biden administration’s most steadfast supporter of Israel since the Oct. 7 attack, was a guest of honor at the ceremony.

Gabby Deutsch, reporter for Jewish Insider: “At tonight’s Hanukkah event at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was called upon to light a candle — the only non-Jew and only U.S. government official who received that honor tonight.”

Neria Kraus of NewsIsrael13: “John Kirby of the White House receives a symbolic dog tag from a father of a young Israeli being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. It says: “take them home now”…’Rubi (in the video) is the father of Itay, an American citizen kidnapped by Hamas. He will attend the meeting with President Biden tomorrow.”

The menorah was rescued from a house destroyed during the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas.

Aviva Klompas: “The Hermesh family hid in their home in Kibbutz Kfar Azza for 20 hours before being rescued from the Hamas massacre on October 7. Their house was completely destroyed. The only thing that could save the family from the ruins was the Hannukiah family. Tonight it was lit at @IsraelinUSA by family members of hostages and White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby.

The Israeli Embassy: “Tonight, on the sixth evening of Hanukkah, we light the candles at the embassy on this very special menorah that survived the horrific attack in Kfar Aza on October 7. There are still more than 130 hostages in Gaza. We light for them.”

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