Good news from the Supreme Court!

SCOTUS will hear Fischer v. United States, the lawsuit questioning the unconstitutional 1512(c)(2) charges used by the Biden Justice Department to abuse and punish January 6 protesters heading to Washington DC came to protest the stolen 2020 election.

The case involves three j6 defendants: Jake Long, which we have reported extensively here at The Gateway Pundit, Garret Molenaar, who pleaded guilty to eleven other criminal charges and was convicted in February, and Joseph Fischerwho, like Lang, is still awaiting trial.

The news came out this morning.

Here’s more background on this lawsuit…

6 January Defendant Jake Lang (pictured above) was arrested in January 2021 and is currently in the DC Gulag without trial after three years.

In July, Jake Lang informed The Gateway Pundit that he would be taking his case to the highest court in the land.

Lang’s decision to take his arguments to the Supreme Court follows a split ruling from the D.C. Court of Appeals in April.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, two of the three judges on the appeals panel ruled against U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, who dismissed the 1512 obstruction charge in three separate cases 6 January defendants.

Perhaps most notable among those affected was Jacob Edward Lang – widely known to TGP readers through multiple eyewitness accounts of his repeated efforts to save lives during the eruption of violence near the U.S. Capitol tunnel where Rosanne Boyland was murdered.

The split ruling reinstated felony obstruction charges against Lang and two others: Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to 11 other criminal charges and was sentenced in February, and Joseph Fischer, who, like Lang, is still awaiting trial his process.

Lang, who is charged with multiple crimes, filed his petition with the United States Supreme Court, asking for the 1512 obstruction charge to be dismissed.

Submitting starts with a question:

“Whether the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the application of 18 USC Section 1512(c)(2), a statute designed to prevent tampering with evidence in ‘official proceedings,’ can be used to commit acts of violence against police officers prosecuted in the US. context of a public demonstration that turned into a riot, resulting in an application of the statute so “breathtaking” that it conflicted with the case of Van Buren v. United States, 141 S. Ct. 1648 (2021).”

As detailed in The Gateway Pundit, the 1512 misdemeanor obstruction charge was specifically repurposed for 6 January defendants.

Although Lang’s filing specifically asks for clarification in a case like his (which involved violence), a SCOTUS ruling on this issue will likely have far-reaching consequences for hundreds of non-violent J6ers – Many of them are currently facing the prospect of years in prison, along with the permanent loss of their Second Amendment rights.

The ruling will also have consequences for President Trump’s case and the false charges against the former US president.

The 1512 indictment was a unique indictment used by the DOJ to specifically target the January 6 protesters, many whose only crime was walking through the open door of the U.S. Capitol and leaving the Capitol after several minutes. It is undeniably a political charge used only for January 6 Trump supporters.

Attorney Norm Pattis, who along with Steven Metcalf filed the petition on Lang’s behalf, said the current application of the 1512 statute is yet another example of government abuse of the law as a means to “crush dissenters.”

“We are asking the court to step in and rein in an out-of-control Justice Department,” Pattis said.

Jake shared exclusively with The Gateway Pundit upon hearing the news: “This moment in American history comes on the heels of nearly three years of the worst political persecution this country has ever seen – the moment of vindication has finally arrived!”

“I am so grateful to my legal team, my family, The Gateway Pundit and the entire J6 community during the debilitating political persecution that more than 1,200 Americans have suffered.”

Contribute to Jake’s Legal Fund HERE

READ the full petition below:

Earlier today, the US Supreme Court announced that it will hear the case, possibly as early as Friday.

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