Senate Republicans are concerned that Republicans in the House of Representatives who move forward with their impeachment proceedings against President Biden without evidence will be seen as crying wolf.

The House isn’t all that concerned about the fact that they haven’t even managed to sell fabricated or pieced together “evidence” against Biden on TV, let alone in an environment where evidence should take center stage. forward to impeach Biden because of a tangle of lies, distortions, fabrications, fantasy and stories. They continue to formalize their impeachment inquiry before the break, without much concern for U.S. national security or other pressing issues.

Politico had a rundown of Republican senators’ feelings:

“I don’t think they’ve come to a conclusion yet,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the Republican leadership. “I don’t see any reasons for that yet.”

“You’re not going to impeach this president based on the evidence that we’ve seen come to light,” Sen. Lisa Murkowsi (R-AK) told the newspaper. “Impeachment used to be taken quite seriously. It has to be taken quite seriously. It is the greatest consequence possible for a sitting president. Will it drag the president down as he enters an election year? I don’t think that’s good for a sitting president.”

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT): “There may be evidence, of course – I don’t know – but no evidence has yet been presented to the public, and certainly not to me, to suggest that an impeachment inquiry or impeachment is itself justified. ”

And Senator Mike Rounds warned that House Republicans needed to make sure they had a strong case before launching an investigation or they could be seen crying wolf:

“They should be able to make a strong case before they actually do an impeachment inquiry,” said Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.). “Otherwise they could be seen as crying wolf, and that would hinder future skills to actually get the job done.”

Republicans in the House of Representatives have indulged in this fantasy for years, trying to make the fetch a reality, but every time they open their mouths to share their “breaking” evidence report, members of their own party and even some point out Fox News insists they don’t. have proof. Speaker Johnson even said “there is insufficient evidence to initiate formal impeachment proceedings,” but then the nihilists running the show for Donald Trump got to Johnson and he changed his tune.

Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) said bluntly, “We don’t have the evidence.” Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) said, “I have seen no evidence linking Hunter Biden’s activities to Joe Biden” and “I am not convinced that evidence exists.” Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) said, “You hear a lot of rumors and innuendo… but those aren’t facts to me. As a former prosecutor, I think there should be facts, and I think there should be due process that we follow, and I haven’t seen that yet.”

Fox News host Bill Hemmer pointed out that after five years of searching for something on Biden, they still have nothing. “It’s been five years, and what do we have for it?…Again, five years of research. Nothing yet.”

On Fox News, after their first impeachment hearing (yes, they already did the hearings to find evidence and found none), Neil Cavuto said: “None of the expert witnesses presented any evidence for impeachment today… If you starts with if you proclaim what you have as the beginning of an explosive investigation into the President of the United States to possibly remove him from office, you would think you would be putting your best foot forward.”

A Republican strategist warned: “It’s stupid. It’s completely made up. They have nothing. This is not about impeachment for just cause. This is a political stunt. And I have a feeling it’s going to end very badly for Republicans.”

It goes on and on.

While some Republicans are trying to argue that the investigation is necessary to obtain the evidence, an impeachment inquiry should be initiated first because there is evidence that a serious breach occurred. more than tens of thousands of documents and financial data. They interviewed every witness they could think of, and then some. They’ve had a year of leadership to investigate and have been searching for five years… and they haven’t found anything that warrants an impeachment inquiry.

It all led to Marjorie Taylor Greene sharing naked, stolen photos of Hunter Biden during a House hearing. Critics have pointed out that for all their accusations against drag queens “grooming” children, Greene is the person who showed them naked revenge p@rn images on network TV.

You might think that the Republicans in the House of Representatives would actually want to pass policy while they have the House of Representatives, but they are focused on obstructing Joe Biden and doing their best for Vladimir Putin, while sticking with Joe Biden by undermining US foreign policy. Trolling a president is a full-time job and it’s one that voters are apparently more than happy to pay for, at the expense of the costs of groceries, health care, gas and other kitchen-table issues that the Republican Party-led caucus could spend this time tackling before another holiday comes.

Republicans in the House of Representatives will once again be accused of crying wolf because that’s what they do.

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