Author: mtflc

Over the years I have received many questions about how to get my children to eat healthy. At first it was difficult for our family to have picky eaters. I was looking for a way to create better eating habits and encourage family meals. After re-examining our family’s attitude toward food (and through trial and error), I discovered some “food rules.” This adjustment in the way we view food and eating, along with involving my children more, has worked well for us. If you suffer from picky eaters, first consider your family’s attitude toward food. Offering a variety of foods…

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Hi! I recently captured an intriguing and somewhat puzzling video of lightning during a storm, and I’m hoping someone with knowledge of weather phenomena can help explain what I captured! In the video, the lightning bolt seems to strike uncomfortably close to me. The bolt extends well below what would be the skyline, seemingly directly in front of a tree with a house behind it and directly above a metal gazebo. The most remarkable thing is that the lightning made absolutely no sound. I didn’t realize how close it seemed until I rewatched the video. Here’s some context: The weather…

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Since our family moved to the beach a few years ago, we can be found there often. While I’m all for healthy sun exposure, sunscreen is ideally not one of them. I rarely burn now, but when I do, I like to use natural remedies to soothe the area. These sunscreen ice cubes contain skin-softening ingredients that ensure that sunburn heals even faster and provides quick relief! As an Irishman, I was used to slathering on sunscreen (or getting a bad sunburn) when I was younger. Since changing my diet and taking specific supplements, I have noticed a huge improvement…

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fast weight loss, weight loss tips, lose weight fast When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as humans, it is very difficult to create rules that work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics that all humans have in common, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you lose weight. Best way 1 The most basic strategy for successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. It shouldn’t be difficult to apply this to some aspect of your life. Adjust your diet by…

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We don’t eat out often, but when we do, I love Japanese food. It’s relatively easy to find gluten-free dishes, and the salads and stir-fries are great. There is even a local restaurant that cooks in coconut oil! One of my favorite things at our local Japanese restaurant is their ginger salad dressing (which probably contains questionable ingredients, but I avoided asking). Either way, my bank account and my health would both be in trouble if I went to the restaurant every time I craved their food. That’s why I experimented with a home version with nourishing ingredients and I’m…

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Okay, it’s a stretch and maybe someone will come up with opposing examples, but I just saw two maps of the EU Parliament election results, and it kind of played along with something I was once told: I don’t remember who told me, it was when I was a child: in the industrial age, when the European cities grew enormously, and so did the (heavy coal fume) emissions from the industrial complexes, it was typical that richer people settled (or prosperity neighborhoods were built) in the west of the cities, because in Northern Europe the predominant wind direction is from…

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Tagged with: Prepare healthy meals in minutes Obesity is one of the most talked about health problems today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity rates have doubled among adults and children and tripled among adolescents since 1980. Regular exercise and good nutrition are at the heart of health and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. But good nutrition can be a challenge in today’s fast-paced world. With a little creativity and professional equipment, preparing healthy and delicious food is faster and easier than it seems. Here are tips for using Vita-Mix Professional Series…

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Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Once you’ve decided you want to work with a health coach, finding the right one goes beyond checking off a list of qualifications. How do you know if you’ve found the best health coach for you? What are the qualities of a good coach, besides the obvious qualifications? We have listed a number of qualities to look for when choosing a health coach. Essentially, it all comes down to how the two of you ‘vibrate’. You need to find someone you get along with and trust, someone who really seems to “get” you…

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Tagged with: abs, exercise, fitness, health, weight loss, muscles, training At some point, each of us passionately wanted a chiseled, rock-hard midsection. We all want to know how to get great 6 abs. Well, here’s one of the best kept secrets. It is the most desired body part, the symbol of sexuality. In study after study, researchers and health specialists alike have found that reducing the amount of fat in your stomach and your waist-to-hip ratio is the most important step you can take to stay healthy and age gracefully throughout your life. Most of us have given up on…

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Summer is just around the corner, and what could be more fun than planning a vacation for your family? Longer days, a little less responsibility, and lighter schedules mean you can take a road trip and see parts of America you haven’t experienced yet. Our family has taken several road trips over the years and it’s always a good time to make memories. Whether you long for nature in national parks and campgrounds or long for fun and adventure in the big city, road trips are a great way to discover new parts of the country or old favorites. The…

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