Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD

Once you’ve decided you want to work with a health coach, finding the right one goes beyond checking off a list of qualifications.

How do you know if you’ve found the best health coach for you? What are the qualities of a good coach, besides the obvious qualifications?

We have listed a number of qualities to look for when choosing a health coach.

Essentially, it all comes down to how the two of you ‘vibrate’. You need to find someone you get along with and trust, someone who really seems to “get” you and who is as invested in your success as you are.

Let’s dig deeper into what that all means.

Why is it important to find a good health coach?

An experienced health coach acts as a personal guide.

They help you achieve your goals with tailored advice, motivation, customized nutrition plans and exercise routines designed just for you.

They don’t just give you general or generic advice about diet and exercise. This individualized approach ensures you maximize your full potential and get the most out of your fitness journey.

7 signs that you have found a good coach

What are the qualities of a good coach?

How do you know if you’ve found one?

These seven qualities are by no means an exhaustive list, but they can help you narrow down your options.

1. They can walk you through their process.

A good health coach should have the ability to clearly explain the steps, strategies and milestones that are integral to their approach.

This not only demonstrates their expertise, but also shows that they have a structured process to help you succeed.

In fact, they must also be able to draw on insights from practice. By articulating lessons learned from working with other clients like you, you demonstrate understanding of the issues or preferences you may have. They have proven that they know how to tackle challenges similar to yours.

2. They can provide references and testimonials.

A hallmark of a good coach is their openness to share references and testimonials without hesitation. Transparency not only reflects confidence in their abilities, but also underlines their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Ideally, these referrals should come from customers in your target group with similar goals. For example, if you have a specific injury, a good coach will have testimonials from clients they have worked with in the past who have experienced a similar injury or physical limitation. A good coach understands the value of real-world feedback and recognizes that the experiences of past clients can speak volumes.

Additionally, the ability to connect with previous clients shows that a coach has confidence in the relationships he or she has built. If a coach avoids providing references, it should raise concerns about their interactions with their clients and the impact of their coaching.

Testimonials in particular provide insight into the tangible benefits that clients have experienced under the guidance of a coach. Positive testimonials not only validate the coach’s skills, but also give you an idea of ​​the potential results you can expect.

3. They ask you questions.

A coach’s interest in your story is a reflection of his commitment to your success. They should ask you questions – lots of them. A quality coaching relationship is built on a foundation of understanding, and effective coaches recognize the importance of learning about your unique circumstances.

Rather than simply presenting a ready-made solution, a good coach should be genuinely interested in your “why.” They should want to understand your motivations, challenges and specific goals. The questions they ask should help them tailor their coaching plan to your specific preferences and lifestyle.

4. They listen to you.

Another quality of a good coach is the ability to integrate your thoughts and feedback into the coaching process. Remember this is a two way street, collaborative relation.

Listening goes beyond the spoken word; it’s about deciphering the nuances and subtleties of your communications. A good coach is not only attuned to each other What you just say How if you say so.

A coach’s responsiveness to your feedback should foster an atmosphere of trust. When you express concerns or suggest changes to the plan, a good coach listens, understands, and adjusts the program. This flexibility ensures that the coaching process remains dynamic and adapts to your changing needs and circumstances.

5. They communicate openly and often.

As we said: transparent and open communication is a two-way street. This element is fundamental to your success and includes how and when you and your coach connect.

Effective coaches set clear expectations regarding communication from the start. Whether it’s setting up regular check-ins, defining response times or mapping out preferred communication channels, a good coach will be accessible to you and reliable in responding. You should feel comfortable reaching out, knowing that your coach is open to any questions or concerns you may have.

6. They consider your health holistically.

Your well-being extends beyond isolated facets such as exercise and nutrition. You know you’ve found a good health coach when they also take into account your sleep quality, stress levels, past injuries and training experience. They know how these factors work together and influence each other.

For example, by understanding your nutritional habits, a coach can develop a diet plan that improves your current eating habits without being unrealistic. Recognizing past injuries or training experiences provides the foundation for training routines that prioritize safety and effectiveness. Taking sleep patterns and stress levels into account further refines the approach and promotes overall well-being.

This holistic, multi-faceted view of wellness is called ‘Deep Health’. And when a Deep Health approach is adopted, it means you’re more likely to develop positive habits that impact every aspect of your life – in the long term.

7. They can tailor your program to your needs.

A good coach will adapt your program to your changing needs as you work to achieve your goals.

Whether you have specific dietary requirements, time constraints or training style preferences, a coach will customize the program to ensure that it not only helps you progress, but also integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle – and can be adjusted as needed.

Tips for finding a good health coach

Finding a good health coach goes beyond looking up online reviews or asking friends for recommendations (although these are good ways to start).

Here are some more tips to keep in mind when looking for a health coach.

Identify your goals

Before you start looking for a coach, take a moment to introspect.

Ask yourself why you want to work with a health coach and what specific results you want to achieve.

Whether it’s weight loss, improved fitness, better sleep or overall well-being, clarity about your goals will guide you in selecting the right coach.

However, it’s also okay not to have a specific goal, or if your goal is something general, such as, “I want to be healthier.” Helping you clarify and refine your goals is part of a health coach’s job. They can engage you in meaningful conversations to understand your ambitions, challenges and motivations until you shape a tailor-made plan together.

Talk to future health coaches

Once you’ve identified three to five potential health coaches, take the time to meet with all of them one-on-one.

Prepare a list of questions and talking points to guide these discussions. Your questions should focus on things like their coaching philosophy, past experiences and success stories. Understanding how their approach aligns with your goals is essential to ensuring you truly ‘get’ each other.

During these conversations, also pay attention to the coach’s communication style and attitude. Consider whether you feel comfortable and genuinely heard during the conversation.

Daily logistics are also important. As you get to know each coach, ask them about their availability, preferred communication channels, and the structure of the coaching sessions. This ensures smooth and manageable collaboration.

Evaluate the “atmosphere”

Coaching is, at its core, a relationship-based service, and the personal connection you build with your coach can have a profound impact on your motivation and commitment to your health goals. A positive and supportive connection promotes a sense of trust, making the coaching relationship more enjoyable and effective.

However, realize that there is no ‘perfect’ coach.

Instead, focus on finding a coach who is “good enough” for you; someone whose approach aligns with your preferences and who understands your unique circumstances. While there may be a coach who seems to meet all your criteria on paper, less tangible elements such as a coach’s personality, communication style and overall energy are of utmost importance. Trust your instincts and choose a coach with whom you really connect.

We are here to help you achieve your goals

The health coaches at Precision Nutrition are experts in their field. They take the time to understand your behaviors and habits while designing a plan that fits your unique goals and lifestyle.

Our coaches don’t just give you advice about nutrition and exercise. They work closely with you so you can adopt healthier, sustainable habits that will help you feel better in the long run.

Try our 1:1 coaching program now and get the results you deserve.

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