By Laura Wells, as told to Rachel Reiff Ellis

When I was diagnosed with MS at age 39, I would say my focus on my health was sporadic. I had young children at the time and my eating and exercise habits were all over the place. Before I had kids, I jogged a few times a week, or hopped on the treadmill or bike. I would also do strength training. But after the kids came along, I stopped exercising regularly. I was more focused on my children’s schedules and needs than my own.

As the kids got older, I started to devote more time and attention to healthy eating, but my worsening MS symptoms were a real barrier to moving my body the way I once could. Due to my fatigue and balance problems, I could no longer jog or even take long walks. So I started thinking about what I could do for myself. I decided to turn to yoga, something I did years ago.

I started going to class twice a week, but even that became difficult for me because it’s so hard to keep myself stable. I was constantly afraid that I would fall over and embarrass myself if I struck a Standing Warrior pose. And then I discovered one-on-one sessions. My instructor was so good at adjusting any pose I needed help with. She showed me how to use a wall or a chair for support. These changes to my yoga practice allowed me to get a little bit of exercise in every day, which has proven to be a major key to my well-being.

Challenging my body to make small intentional movements every day keeps me stronger both mentally and physically. It’s very easy to go down the rabbit hole thinking about all the things you can’t do when you have MS. So if I can just do 15 to 20 minutes of yoga a day, I’ll go a long way.

I am also fortunate to live in an area with access to a physiotherapist who specializes in MS. She did a great job of showing me exercises that can strengthen the weak parts of my legs and help me work on my stability.

When it comes to healthy eating habits, my philosophy has always been: everything in moderation. I know a lot of people who have tried special diets, but I just try to fill my plate with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and eat less packaged and processed foods. My downfall is my sweet tooth, which I’ve always had. And sugar causes inflammation, which can increase MS symptoms. But it helps a lot to be aware of how food makes me feel. I know I feel better if I eat a salad for lunch instead of something full of carbs. So I try not to overdo it in an unhealthy category.

It’s funny because even though MS has worsened my physical balance, it forces me to find balance in my daily life. I’ve always been someone who feels guilty if I don’t do anything or help, or if I’m not productive. But it has become clear that relaxing is not only okay, but necessary. Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of MS, and paying more attention to my activity level is one of the ways I can keep my stress down and help manage that symptom.

It is no longer an option for me to stay up too late at night or to plan my agenda so full that I have no free time. If I don’t take the time to sit still and read or listen to music, take a relaxing walk, or take a nap, I can’t function. My brain will just hit a wall. I call it ‘pea soup brain’. Now I can go to bed at the same time every night and take a nap every day. Not a long nap – just enough so my body can finish strong for the rest of the day. I learned that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

I have also discovered that it is important to celebrate small successes. The more I can embrace who I am and what I can achieve, the better my mental outlook. If I can do one more set of leg-strengthening exercises today than I did yesterday, that’s cause for celebration. It might not seem like much to someone else. But for me it’s an achievement.

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