Nice shoes that won’t break your bank account? Yes, sign me up. Since we are still in the middle of winter and will be for several more months, a sturdy pair of boots is a must. So if you’re looking for a new pair, now might be the best time to buy them as many retailers are putting their winter collections on sale to prepare for all the news that awaits us in spring stands.

During my daily visit to the sites of my favorite retailers, I couldn’t help but notice all the boots of the moment that also happen to be wonderfully affordable. Just a few of the trendy styles I’ve seen during my shopping sessions include the buckle motorcycle boots we see everywhere, sophisticated riding boots, practical sheepskin-lined boots, and even a few statement-making stunners. Oh, and when I say affordable, I really mean it. Everything you’re going to see costs under $200, with most boots costing around $150.

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