Mexico City is quickly becoming one of the most popular major Latin American cities for digital nomads. Bursting with vibrant culture, world-class food and vibrant nightlife, this city truly has something for everyone.

Combine that with a relatively affordable cost of living, warm weather year-round, and an ever-growing community of remote workers, and you have a pretty epic place to live. Here are seven top reasons why digital nomads like me are flocking to Mexico City!

7 reasons why digital nomads are flocking to Mexico City

Earlier this year I lived in Mexico City for a while and it was fantastic. I don’t often like big cities, but Mexico City is different. It’s a great place and I would recommend it to anyone without hesitation.

1. Cost of living

Mexico City has a lower cost of living than many other major capitals in North America or Europe. Typically, you can rent a one-bedroom apartment in the city center for between $600 and $700 USD per month.

This affordability also extends to everyday expenses. When I lived in Mexico City, I would regularly eat out for less than $10 for a hearty meal at a nice local restaurant. Sure, you can also spend hundreds of dollars at fancy bars and restaurants, but you don’t have to break the bank to live well.

Eating and drinking out doesn’t have to be a rare luxury, you can do it regularly without having to spend a lot of money. It’s a shame the same can’t be said for London, where I spent most of my twenties!

2. Cultural wealth

Mexico City is a fascinating treasure trove of different cultures; from the ancient Mexica (/Aztec) ruins to the vibrant art, theater and music scenes. It’s one of the most exciting cities in America and wherever you are extremely You are unlikely to be bored!

Mexico City is home to more than 150 museums. The Museo Nacional de Antropología is my favorite – with a staggering number of artefacts that tell the story of Mexico’s rich history, from Neolithic times to modern times. This place is really a must visit.

In addition, a dazzling number of local markets, street festivals and live music events are held throughout the year, adding to the city’s dynamic atmosphere. Whatever you’re into, there’s always something new and exciting to discover here.

3. Pleasant climate

Many digital nomads (myself included) tend to settle in countries with warm, pleasant weather, and this is also something that’s great about Mexico City. No scorching summers, no freezing winters – you can enjoy a very comfortable climate for most of the year.

With average daily temperatures of around 20 °C (68 °F), the city enjoys a subtropical highland climate, with plenty of sunshine all year round. This makes it ideal for both work and play and means you can easily enjoy an active outdoor life at any time of the year.

At 2,240 meters above sea level, Mexico City is one of the highest capitals in the world. This means that it never really gets too hot, but due to the southern latitude the sun is still powerful and warming, and the shade is wonderfully cool.

4. Strong community of expats and digital nomads

Mexico City has a thriving community of digital nomads and other expats. By some estimates, more than 1 million Americans currently live in Mexico City. I had to check that statistic twice: 1 million! That’s big!

The large number of foreigners living and working in the city helps create a welcoming environment where you can easily surround yourself with like-minded people who share your passions and interests.

From regular meetups and networking events to hobby groups, there is huge potential to connect with other digital nomads in Mexico City, both on a personal and professional level. This sense of community also makes it easier to settle in and makes CDMX a friendly, supportive place to live.

5. High-speed internet and co-working spaces

What are two things digital nomads simply can’t live without? Fast internet and a good workplace of course!

Internet speeds in Mexico City are generally quite good, with an average broadband download speed of 77 Mbps. Good WiFi is widely available in cafes and many public areas, and is often free, so you can get online and be productive wherever you are in the city.

If you like working from coworking spaces, you’ll find plenty here too, with a range of amenities, comfortable workspaces and regular events.

6. The food!

Mexico City is a foodie’s paradise and the culinary scene here is one of the best in the world. You’ll find everything from traditional Mexican taco vendors to upscale sushi bars and fine dining Michelin-starred restaurants to Argentinian gaucho-style barbecue joints.

The city suits all tastes and budgets. One of the things I miss most about living in Mexico City is how easy it is to find great (and cheap) food in virtually every corner of the city, day or night.

There is also a great street food culture in CDMX. During a long day of remote work, I loved taking a break to go out and explore the countless food markets and stalls, where you can find everything from spicy tamales to fresh ceviche. Mercado La Merced is one of my favorites!

7. Accessibility and travel options

Located in the heart of America, Mexico City’s strategic location is a major advantage for digital nomads who love to travel.

The main international airport has flights to virtually every corner of North, South and Central America, as well as many places further afield, so it’s a great city to base yourself in and travel from.

If you’re from the US, that’s not the case either That far away, compared to the various digital nomad hotspots in Asia or Eastern Europe, for example. Additionally, when you work with people in North America, you’ll be working from a similar time zone as them, which can be a significant advantage.


Mexico City is one of the best, liveliest and most fun cities I have ever lived in. It’s no surprise that it’s such a popular spot with digital nomads and other travelers.

The city offers a wonderful combination of cost, climate, culture and cuisine, plus an amazing ability to continually surprise and inspire. If you work remotely, I definitely recommend spending some time here!

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